I tried placing mods in slots, see if i can take them out after or if they were permanent, see if symbols mattered and looked for what changed depending on my action. The first thing I noticed about mods is that there are symbols on them, and some slots had the same. The first thing I noticed about weapons in the arsenal was, that there's an upgrade button.

I started playing Warframe in 2013, there were almost zero tutorials back then. Are people that used to tutorials shoving information in their face, that they don't even have an idea to try stuff without prompting? have you actually TRIED placing mods there? The first method of learning how something works is trying different things to see what happens. Honestly i'm just baffled that someone could think that only polarized slots are actual slots, AND NOT VERIFY IT. This post is not contributing much to the discussion but i couldn't hold myself back, and i apologize in advance if i offend someone. I hope someone can help me because i really like this Game but don't want to do the same 6 missions on Earth over and over again. How am i supposed to solve this Quest? I also can't create any other Weapons because non of the Materials from the Blueprints is available on Earth and i really don't want to spent real money on purchasing Platinum to buy the Weapon or Frame with enough Solts. I reached Mastery 2 yesterday and hoped that this would solve the Problem, but im still stuck. My Gun and Rifle don't seem to have MOD solts yet? I also don't have any Aura or Stance MODS and even if i would find fitting ones i would end up with either only 3 MODS in my Melee Wepon or Warframe. I maxed 'North Wind' and fused Vitality to level 5 because i thought that this would solve the Problem but it didn't. I use 'Vitality' on the Vazarin Solt of my Frame (never found a Madurai MOD for Frames and i use 'North Wind' on the Vazarin Slot of my Bo.
The Warframe and the Bo both have 2 (3) Slots from which i can only use 1. Non of the Equiment i choose has more than 2 MOD slots. I've chosen Excalibur as my starting Warframe and the MK1-Bo.

To finish the Quest to travel from Earth to Venus i have to apply 4 MODS to a single Warframe or Weapon. I hope somebody can help me with this issue. Im new to this game and have a Problem im not able to solve.